Council Member Ongoing Development (CMOD)

The Council Member Ongoing Development (CMOD) program was developed by the Council Coordination Committee (CCC) to support professional development and cross-regional exchange among Regional Fishery Management Council members and staff. Modeled on the forums hosted by the Fisheries Leadership and Sustainability Forum from 2008 to 2018, CMOD workshops provide a policy-neutral setting for participants to exchange information and explore fisheries management and science issues in depth. CMOD workshops do not result in policy decisions or recommendations. Each workshop typically focuses on a specific topic or theme that has cross-regional application, with an additional skills training component.

CMOD workshops are held approximately every other year and are hosted by one of the Councils on a rotating basis. Participants include Council members and staff from each of the eight Councils, NMFS staff, and invited speakers. The CMOD program is funded through support by the Councils in partnership with NOAA Fisheries, with oversight by the CCC through a CMOD Steering Committee.
