Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, headquartered in Tampa, Florida, is responsible for the conservation and management of fish stocks within the Gulf of Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The EEZ extends from 3 to 200 nautical miles off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and 9 to 200 nautical miles off Texas and the west coast of Florida. 

The Council consists of 17 voting members and four non-voting members:

  • the Southeast Regional Administrator of NMFS (or his designee),

  • the directors of the five Gulf state marine resource management agencies (or their designees),

  • 11 members who are nominated by the state governors and appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, and

  • four nonvoting members representing the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of State, and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Managed Fisheries

The Gulf Council establishes conservation measures for reef fish, shrimp, spiny lobster, coastal migratory pelagics, corals, essential fish habitat, and red drum fisheries.

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Plans:

Cobia swim in a school.

Photo: GMFMC