Pacific Fishery Management Council

With jurisdiction over the 317,690 square mile exclusive economic zone off Washington, Oregon and California, the Pacific Fishery Management Council manages fisheries for about 119 species of salmon, groundfish, coastal pelagic species (sardines, anchovies, and mackerel), and highly migratory species (tunas, sharks, and swordfish).

The Council has 14 voting members and five non-voting members. Some Council members represent state or tribal fish and wildlife agencies, and some are private citizens who are knowledgeable about recreational or commercial fishing or marine conservation. Apart from state and tribal representatives, Council members are chosen by the governors of the four states within the Council region, in conjunction with the Secretary of Commerce.

Managed Fisheries

Rockfish sitting on a ledge.

Photo: PFMC

The Pacific Council manages 119 species under five fishery management plans: